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Spirituality Series:
Steps 8 & 9, Final Phase of the Process of Forgiveness

The Mary & Joseph Retreat Center is sponsoring this series of topics that address our human journey for establishing and sustaining relationships: with Reality/reality, with our self, and with others. 

Freedom is the key promise of the completion of Steps 8 & 9.

Step 8: Identify ‘harms’:
1. How did you diminish them? Not what you did… but what was the impact on them! What you did that diminished the quality of their lives? Which of these areas were affected? Physical; Emotional; Mental; Financial; Spiritual.
2. What specifically can I do to balance the Justice scale? My change of behavior? My repair of damage?

Step 9: Willingness to address the damage to complete the Forgiveness Process
– How do I prepare properly?
– How do I make amends to people I can’t find?
– How do I make effective amends to people I should not contact, or who don’t want contact with me?
– How do I make amends to dead people?
– What is the “Forgiveness Process”?

Freedom is the result of rehabilitation of our relationship with Life, Ourselves & Others. Are you really willing to go to “…any length” for freedom from addiction & unmanageability? Have you completed Step 9? If not, are you willing to complete all your amends? REALLY?

This will be a practical WORK-shop. Bring your questions, prepare to confront your unwillingness and to respond to your willingness. Together we’ll share our experience and dialogue about being delivered to FREEDOM by bringing HEALING to others.

Workshop Resources

Herb Kaighan, Spiritual Director 
(Sober since 1984)
Through working the 12 Steps as contained in the Big Book, Herb experienced a profound spiritual awakening. He will discuss the impact of the Process & Principles for walking this path, practicing emotional sobriety to develop emotional maturity and a practice of daily intentional consciousness.

Upcoming Events in this Series
Review the list of scheduled events below and click on the workshop you wish to attend. You will be taken to the Mary & Joseph Retreat Center website to complete registration.

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