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Emotional Sobriety:
“When Disturbed” (Session 2)

This will be a continuation of the workshop on July 23rd. We will address SOURCES of emotional irritation and annoyance. In this four hour workshop Dr. Berger and Herb K. will continue to address the nature of “unmanageability”:

– Restless, Irritable, Discontented, Depression & Sadness
– Tensions from negative thinking, Regret, Remorse, Grief, Guilt & Shame

Ask yourself:
– How do I get relief from my suffering?
– How can I have sufficient emotional balance?
– Can I really experience the promises and a life that flourishes?

You will participate in a process for:
– Identifying the exact nature of obstacles in your “disturbances”;
– Taking ownership and responsibility for your happiness;
– Learn how to balance your emotional life.

Workshop Schedule

Orientation to Emotional Sobriety 10:00am
Use of Completion Worksheet 11:00am
Discussion of Worksheets 12:00pm
Q&A: Experience of Awareness and Freedom 1:00pm

This library of tools will support your journey … the rite of passage to adulthood … the freedom of conscious living based on immutable principles of reality.

Allen Berger, PhD, Clinical Psychology
(Clean and sober since 1971)
Dr. Berger will discuss mental health concepts like emotional dependency, self-esteem, independence, interdependence and manifesting our true self.

Herb Kaighan, Spiritual Director 
(Sober since 1984)
Through working the 12 Steps as contained in the Big Book, Herb experienced a profound spiritual awakening. He will discuss the impact of the Process & Principles for walking this path, practicing emotional sobriety to develop emotional maturity and a practice of daily intentional consciousness.

Upcoming Events in this Series
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