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Recurring Event Event Series: Step Guide Meeting

Step Guide Monthly: 
We invite you to carry the message.

We invite you to consider “carrying the message” by increasing your skills as a Step Guide. Our monthly call is designed to support current Step Guides and those who might be interested in this form of service. It functions as a “train‐the‐trainer” mentor support group.

Many of you have benefited from having an individual Step Guide to accompany you on your Twelve Step journey. Now you may want to help a person one‐on‐one or a participant in one of the current workshops. This is not a requirement for attending this monthly Step Guide discussion. You may want to attend for your own personal growth.

A request for inclusion on the Step Guide Zoom call list does not mean that your details will be distributed to anyone. This participant list is not used for those seeking to engage a Step Guide. It is not a commitment to become a Step Guide. The sole purpose of this gathering is for participants to share experience of helping others with their Step Assignments. The list is confidential.

It is an opportunity to ask questions and share experience, whether you are currently helping someone with Steps or thinking of doing so. Some people just choose to attend for their own personal growth. This includes sponsors who have participated in the weekly workshops and have questions associated with passing it on to others.

There are no rules: the only suggestion is that you yourself have completed the Twelve Step work (or at least are in process of completing Step Nine) and are considering helping others with their journey. We do not take roll, and regular attendance is not required.

A major organic by-product of the Step Guide discussion is one’s own personal development. We welcome questions on the entire range of Twelve Step work and Sponsorship.

Our personal Spiritual Awakening and growing knowledge of the Twelve Step process need never end. This Zoom meeting is a vehicle for you to continue your journey with experienced companions, enhancing your own life and strengthening your competency for sharing your experience with others. The meeting will be recorded, edited and posted on this website to accommodate different time zones & schedules.

This website contains a comprehensive library of resources and tools for the application of the 12 Steps to your personal life … delivering each person to the promised spiritual awakening.. In addition, this site links you to in-depth instructions, knowledge and experience for navigating your personal spiritual path, contained in Herb K. recordings on Youtube and in various books authored by Herb K.

Way of Life Document (PDF)New for January 2024! Download this 71-page resource and place it in a binder. It provides graphics, worksheets, and commentary to support the work for each Step.
Workshop Assignments (PDF) – This document confirms the specific directions for understanding and the application of the instructions for working each Step as contained in the Big Book.“Step Guide Discussion: Becoming a Lantern” Series (Youtube)
“Step 12: Helping Others and Enlarging Compassion” (Youtube)

Herb Kaighan, Spiritual Director (Sober since 1984): Through working the 12 Steps as contained in the Big Book, Herb experienced a profound spiritual awakening. He will discuss the impact of the Process & Principles for walking this path, practicing emotional sobriety to develop emotional maturity and a practice of daily intentional consciousness.

Upcoming Events in this Series
This group typically meets on the last Monday of the month. Attendance is free, but registration is required.

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